The reasons for female hair loss are many and varied. However, there are several solutions that are being developed for the female hair loss condition.

You should also watch your diet carefully. It is amazing how many women use diets that do not contain any hair growth nutrients. Diets that women take often lack proteins which are essential for the building of new cells, vitamin B6, vitamin A, copper, zinc, folic acid, and iron. All these nutrients are important for the growth of hair in women. Some women use extreme conditions to diet in order to maintain certain a body weight. They therefore don't eat much even after they have attained their desired weight because they don't want to gain he weight back. Such women may experience bulimia and anorexia and it is recommended that they see a doctor as this usually points to a serious psychological flaw on their part.
Women also use some hairstyles that are very detrimental to their overall well being. The use of certain chemicals for instance to style your hair greatly accelerates the hair loss. These chemicals cause burns that that may react with the scalp and cause permanent hair loss. It is important to discuss with your hair stylist the necessary chemicals to use so that you do not hamper the growth of your hair. Use of tight hair styles can also accelerate hair loss in women and the use of tight braiding or cornrows has been known to cause receding hair lines in many women; heavy ponytails and toppik may also do this as well. As such when using ponytails or toppik for example, it is important to remove them at night or when going to sleep so that they do not damage your scalp.
Another major cause of hair loss in women is hormonal imbalances. This is the opposite of the male pattern baldness whereby DHT production hampers the growth of hair. Some drug companies are attempting to find solutions for this problem by developing drugs such as Sephren. However, since female hair loss is not as severe as the male pattern baldness, many drug companies have tended to concentrate on developing balding cures for men.
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